Change Management

Change must be effectively articulated, passionately owned, and persistently driven to completion (Tichy & Charan, 1989). Employees must be part of the change, know exactly where the company is heading, why it is going there and what is in it for them once they get to the final stop.

People usually hate the change. Thus they shall be encouraged and enlightened about the overall journey the company is willing to take (JWMI, 2015). Change management is the course that helps employees embrace new practices of doing business, and it is certainly not an easy path.


JWMI (2015) What is the role of a leader? [Online]. Jack Welch Management Institute. Available at:

Tichy, N. & Charan, R. (1989) Speed, Simplicity, Self-Confidence: An Interview with Jack Welch [Online]. Harvard Business Review. Available at: